“Chicken Lips” by Kristy Hamby
“Who has ever heard of a Cow named Chicken Lips?”
Reviewer thoughts–Author Kristy Hamby and Illustrator Marianella Aguirre have created a book with pictures and a story that will delight your young child! From cover to cover, the illustrations are colorful and fun. The lighthearted story is about Chicken Lips, a cow, trying to figure out why his name is Chicken Lips! His question takes him on a journey around the farm, searching for an answer. Poor Chicken Lips feels sad and lonely on his trip around the farmyard. Then, he finally gets his answer, and it is the best feeling ever!
“Chicken Lips will have your kids giggling, and before long, they’ll be reading it to you! It is delightful!”-Green Gables Book Reviews
You can get a copy here from Amazon! (affiliate link)-*(I may earn a small commission from your purchase, thank you!)