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Clock Dance by Anne Tyler

“Clock Dance” draws you in and keeps you wanting more. After the last page, I sighed as it ended. Willa will stay with me. Her transformations through the book are memorable. 5 Stars, without a doubt!-Green Gables Book Reviews

“Clock Dance” by Anne Taylor is a book about Willa Drake’s life. Willa is kind to everyone, to a fault, always putting others needs before her own.

Readers follow Willa throughout her life, living at home with her parents and sister, trying to keep her unpredictable Mother from getting upset. Then, a short time later into her marriage during college, when she lost her own dreams while being a wife and Mom, then, sadly as a widow. Several years later, Willa is married again and wishing for the chance of being a Grandmother.

When an unexpected phone call comes, Willa jumps at the chance to help a stranger. Peter, her husband comes with her, and as Willa starts to find some joy, Peter grumbles. Willa finds her own voice and stays on longer than Peter wants her to because she feels she is still needed. Feeling needed is what Willa needs.

In “Clock Dance” Willa’s inner thoughts are shared throughout the book and it is so refreshing! We all think the thoughts we cannot say, but in this book, a reader can see how valuable those thoughts can be! Willa is wonderful. Definitely on my list of favorite characters!-Green Gables Book Reviews

“Clock Dance” by Anne Tyler


Publisher- Vintage

Publication Date-July 10, 2018

Sold by- Random House LLC

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