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Lily's Little Flower Shop by Lisa Darcy

"I loved Lily's Little Flower Shop! Realistic feelings, believable relationships,

and real emotions. Five big stars from me!"

-Books and Pens on Green Gables

Lily starts her day ready to get the big promotion she's been working so hard to get. She's got the perfect coffee, perfect outfit, and now just needs the call to come. She ends her day confused and depressed with an unsympathetic boyfriend wanting her to move to Singapore with him for HIS job.

Lily cannot seem to get her boyfriend, Matt, to understand her feelings. She finally stands up for herself. And, he still doesn't seem to understand!

Lily goes to see her Aunt Iris, who she loves dearly. They have a great, easy-going relationship. Soon, Lily finds herself in Aunt Iris' small community's old (smelly) butcher shop. An idea starts to form.

Lily knows she cannot work for Glenn, who got the promotion. She throws caution to the wind, signs a lease on the butcher shop and opens a flower shop! Her mother is furious – about the flower shop, about not going with Matt to Singapore, about Lily not visiting enough, about anything else you can think of.

Lily has some highs, like making new friends and getting some large floral orders, but many lows as she takes herself on this new journey. Can she be a successful florist? Can she get her mom to understand? Can she get Matt to leave her alone? Can Lily find happiness?

A sweet story! You'll fall in love with Lily!

I was given this book to read and review.

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