Starting with Goodbye – by Lisa Romeo
A Memoir
In the book, Starting With Goodbye, Author Lisa Romeo shares openly and honestly about her family-the emotional times, the hard times and the wonderful times. An honest, courageous and beautiful sharing of the deepest parts of herself. Well written, raw and loving-Green Gables Book Reviews
The book Starting With Goodbye is a book that as you read, you realize that this could be me, might be me, will probably be me someday in my future. How long will it be? What do I need to start to watch for? Soon, your thoughts take to you to places like “how do I prepare for if this is my family”…and chances are high that many of our families will be in this situation someday.
The way that Romeo is so open and sharing of her family’s wonderful times and hard times could be a glimpse into any of our families. From the difficulty of being a long distance daughter and having to rely on others for information and help, to the phone call no one wants to get, and to the times of working together with siblings to make the best choices for the future, Romeo gives an honest, and at times emotional account.
Well written, I would imagine a wonderful healing piece to write for the author, and potentially a guide for others.
A side note, as a reader, please be sure to read the Postscript, it contains my favorite part of the whole book. -Green Gables Book Reviews
Starting With Goodbye, Lisa Romeo, University of Nevada Press, Publication Date: May 1, 2018
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