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New!! Join our Book Review Team!


So an author I have read and reviewed for has asked me to put together a team of readers. He plans to send me 20 books to mail out., The books are totally free! He is trying to start to build hype before the release date in September. So, anyone that agrees to read the book, we would ask them to do 5 social media posts over 2-3 months and a short review of the book to Amazon and/or Goodreads. (One of the 5 social media posts would be your review-the other 4 posts, I'd provide graphics that are fast and easy to post.

Other authors have asked me about this, too! So there will be more books to come!

It would be great if you were part of the team! Comment here or email me for more information!


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My favorite things are Books, New Notebooks, and

Fancy Pens. How about you?

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