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A Life Without Water – by Marci Bolden

A Life Without Water – by Marci Bolden

A Life Without Water – by Marci Bolden

I read the overview of this book and knew right away it sounded like a good one! I was really excited to get a chance to read and review an Advanced Review Copy (ARC) from the Author and NetGalley!

“A Life Without Water” by Marci Bolden might take your heart and your brain to a few places that you’ve never wanted to go-and force you to think about somethings that none of us ever want to face. In my lifetime, I will never look at little red rain boots the same way again! It is well written, shows raw emotions, and you may shed a couple of tears along the way. I will look for more from this Author, Marci Bolden! -Janell @ Green Gables Book Reviews

What would you do if your ex-husband showed up out of the blue…its just a regular day at work and all of a sudden, John is standing in front of Carol. What should she do ? Throw him out? Hug him? It’s been over 20 years. How dare he? How dare he show up now? The day before their daughters 30th Birthday? What is John thinking?

Very soon, Carol discovers John is not himself, he is quite ill and he has come to make amends for his actions during their marriage that caused Carol to leave all these years ago. He begs Carol to go on a long over due road trip with him to try to help both of them heal their wounds. Carol wrestles with her mind-can she take this trip with John. Can she stands being around him that long? Will this trip and time heal their very, very deep wounds? How will they each handle the emotional toll it will take on them?

A book that will show you how fragile life can be and how sometimes moving out of our comfort zone can show us where we belong.


You can order your copy here!

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